Hephzibah Baptist Association

About the mission trip
The Ecuador Mission Trip is for those who are called to minister cross culturally with a friendly people group who need the gospel and faithful Bible teaching. We typically travel on Mondays and arrive in Quito around 8:30 P.M. After passing through immigration we spend the night at a beautiful hosteria near the airport. After a good night of rest we enjoy an authentic Ecuadorian breakfast before our transportation and translators meet up with us around 9 am. After a three hour trip we arrive in Sigchos, Ecuador where we spend the next days ministering with pastor Marco Lozada and the members of the church there.
Sigchos is a county seat town of about 3000 located in a relatively isolated mountainous region in the Cotapoxi province of Ecuador. The area is known for the Quilatoa volcano which is a 12,800 ft volcano which has a large lake in its crater. The population there is primarily highland Quechua. They are the people who were there before the Spanish arrived. Many of them still speak their native tongue along with Spanish. They are a friendly agrarian people and raise sheep and cows on the steep hillsides and grow various kinds of beans along with potatoes. Their religion is primarily Roman Catholic.
On a typical day our group divides into teams that travel with one or two church members and a translator. Some stay in Sigchos and make visits or share Christ in shops or on the streets while other teams travel to remote areas where they lead Bible studies and share Christ. Some days teams will lead children’s ministries after school. Each evening we have Bible study for adults and children at the church and on Saturday we have a training time for the church. Every trip is a little different and it is always an adventure.
This is a trip for folks who are in good health. While we don’t have an age limit, we will be spending the week at 9000 plus feet in elevation so this isn’t a trip for folks with weak hearts or breathing issues. Because of the elevation the days are always cool. The area is incredibly scenic and there are snowcapped volcanoes that are often in view. We typically leave Monday morning for Quito where we stop by the indigenous market, tour 400 year old Cathedrals or go to the Ecuator. After supper we head for the airport and arrive home Tuesday am.